Tuesday 20 September 2011

Profile of A target audience member

The audience my music video appeals to his a wide mainstream audience but mainly the younger generation, as the band will be good looking and fun they will get a lot of attention from young female fans who are into mainstream pop culture, the type of fans you would find at a bieber concert would love this video.

There would be mainly girl fans but the video as set in the 50s may also to appeal to there parents and they will buy the album for there children.

The girls will be at school in the upper years known as the tweens and would have posters up of the and on there walls therefore this adds extra revenue for the company who are behind the band.

The music the band would play will be catchy and fun so therefore it will also appeal to dancers as it may have a good beat to it and catchy lyrics.

A regular day for a fan of the band. Would be get:

7pm: Get up and get ready for school, they will put little make up on as they are young but still will want to look nice and older. And there mother would make them breakfast and they would take them to school, which shows they rely on there parents. On the way they will be playing there favourite band or singer which would be something like justin beiber or one direction.

9pm: They would arrive at school and be pleased to her friends and have a gossip and giggle over the boys, instead of paying attention to lessons she would be thinking of her favourite band and becoming famous.

1pm: Lunch time would consist of having fun with her friends playing games and chatting about celebritys.

4pm: After school she would have dance and singing lesson in a bid to become famous with all her friends and imagine shes on stage performing infront of thousands of people.

6pm: her mother would make her dinner and they would talk about her day with each other.

8pm: snuggle up in front of the Tv and watch programmes like the x factor and big brother.

10pm: Bed time.

Monday 19 September 2011

Reponse to Music Video.

-The video must show the band as fun and unique, the music video is all about showing of the band and creating an image for the band to be protrayed by the public.

- The idea arrose of the band being dressed as the old people and then transforming into a young cool hip band in the 50s, this would show the band are up for a laugh and wouldnt take themself to serious.

-My classmates suggested a different choice of song as the songs i had chosen were to modernised and there had to pick a more 50s sounding song so this is what i will look into and chose a songs which the video reflects.

-Another idea was about the pace of the editing as i would protray the band as a fun cool and young band i had to have the right pace to it. So the editing would be fast pace and have a youthful feel to it.

-My classmates liked the idea of it being film first in colour and then into black and white which would give it a authentic feel and make the video unique.

Overall the feedback was postive and i got a good respones so i was pleased, the class offered me good ideas which could furthur my idea and i can incoperate them into my video to make it better..

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Richard Dyer Star theory

According to Richard Dyers theory each pop star most have a star image which is created by the record company in order to appeal to a target audience. An image is A star is an image, not a real person, that is constructed (as any other aspect of fiction isout of a range of materials (eg advertising, magazines etc as well as films. The artist must be protreyed as super human and have the element of desire about them. They also tend to have these trates in them as this is what sells.Youthfulness
Sexual magnetism
An anti-authoritarian attitude
A disregard for social values relating to drugs, sex and polite behaviour
Conspicuous consumption, of sex, drugs and material goods
Success against the odds
This all helps the artists appeal and become an icon in the public. They must also be ordinary enough for the audience to relate to them but extraordinary by there talent and succes for the audience to look up to.
Here are some examples of stars.
Adele has an ordinary look but an extraorindary voice and the record company build on that so it gives hope to other girls that they can be succesfully without a sexualised look.

Britney spears offers sex appeal and therefore the record company draw on this.
Here are a boyband whose record label have created a wholesome family image that will appeal to a broad audicene and that you girls will fancy.

All of these artist have a certain star image which have been created in order for them to make money and Dyers theory is based on this.

Thursday 8 September 2011

Prelim task

For Our Music Video prelim task we we had to film a band from brighton, the music they played was country pop with a blues influence, as soon as i herd the music my brain was filled with ideas as they had a unique sound to them and a great look we could market in our video. We were split up into groups and given a section of the song to film. My group got the intro of the track which i was pleased with as we could really start it of with a bang and create some interesting shots which would show of the band.

As our part of the song was mostly intrsumental we decided to show of the bands musicans first before introducing the lead singer and the two back up singers, before we went into the studio we planned what shots we would do we wanted to make the video exciting so we would do a mixture of close ups and mid shots to show of the band. Once we got into the studio we started with a long shot of the band performing the song this gave us a view of the whole band performing and we could edit it with close ups to an authentic music video.

When each indivdual bit was introduced with focused on the musican who was pplaying that part and tried a number of different camera angles in order to show of the band. We also

Analyzing star image and a music video - Justin Bieber Baby

The artist Justin Bieber is portrayed as wholesome family star which will appeal to a wide mainstream audience and the tween age group. He is seen dancing in a bowling alley with a very innocent feel to it as he is trying to get the girl he likes. Even though beiber is chasing a girl there is no sexual element it is and the lyrics in the song back this up. He is dressed like a typical teenage boy and has the beiber trademark hair which is a key selling point in selling Beiber as a brand. As he is cute he appeals to a number of girls and in this video it enhances this as a lot of girls would be wishing they were beiber Baby. The video is very fun as there is lots of dancing in with beiber at the front to show he is the star. Bieber is a star who conforms to authority and establishment who is given a very cute and pure feel by the company he works for, thus the long floppy hair and baby face. He is very much a product of the modern day music industry and has been manufactured to suit the needs of young girls, he doesn’t give of a bad boy image and doesn’t have rippling muscles but still has the look of a teenage pin up. Which the company has used to make more money selling poster, toys, Lunchboxes etc.

The genre of the music falls into main stream pop it is a traditional up beat pop song with a catchy beat and the Baby will ring out in people’s ears after they have listened to the song and this will help audiences remember Bieber as an artist. The video conforms to what the audience expect to see in a pop video Bieber chasing a girl looking pretty and dancing giving the impression he is fun, also shows of Beiber as a dancer to add to his appeal of the young girls and a teen audience. However there is something in the video which subverts the stereotype Ludicrous who is a black rapper is portrayed in a innocent and mainstream fashion, wearing brightly coloured clothes and joining in on the fun at the bowling allay. However I think he just went for the pay check the company offered him and the need to appeal to a wider range of audience and doing a Beiber song would help him do this. It also makes the genre a little more R&B rather than your average pop music making Justin Bieber slightly more street than he looks.

The story the video is giving is Bieber a young teenage boy is looking to get the girl he wants he is chasing her and impressing her at a bowling allay using his dancing skills to do this. We are meant to be on his side in his quest to get the girl and feel for him as he is a young boy in love, which brings a sympathetic image to him and makes the viewers on his side, its also aimed at young who will fall in love with him as there are long camera shots on him giving him a lot of screen time and therefore enables girls to fancy him. He also has an accessibility about him as the cute boy next door who all the girls fancy and is innocent which the video portrays as well as him being fun. The main aim of the music company is to appeal to a widespread mainstream audience mainly teenage girls but also all young teenagers and an older audience, The song will be played on the radio and Bieber will give lots of interviews to get his face out there